Friday 9 February 2018


The 55th poll in the Whatukthinks series asking if the vote to leave the EU was right or wrong was published yesterday (HERE). Wrong is in the lead once again, but only by 1% compared to the 6% lead in the last poll. Considering these polls are all conducted by the same pollsters (YouGov) and ask the same question, there is huge volatility at the moment. However, I still believe the trend is towards people changing their mind on Brexit or at the very least, becoming more pessimistic about the outcome. 

The fieldwork was carried out on the 5th and 6th of February and involved a sample of 2000 voters.

Bear in mind a 5% swing from WRONG to RIGHT failed to prevent WRONG leading again. It's clear the mood of voters is changing albeit slowly.

Data from the leaked report on the impact of Brexit has only really been given press coverage this week so may not yet have percolated through to the public mind. What I think is absolutely clear, is there is no movement towards an increase in support for Brexit, only a decline however small and slow. But I don't think it will get better for the Brexiteers..