Saturday 3 February 2018


The EU refuses a soft Brexit, so we must invoke the WTO immediately: so writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Telegraph (HERE), a man so lacking in basic reasoning skills that he really shouldn't be allowed out unless medically supervised. Theresa May has said umpteen times we are leaving the single market and the customs union and the EU have said they are happy to negotiate a CETA agreement - in fact Barnier set this out quite clearly in his graphic HERE on 15th December last year.

So it isn't that the EU has refused a soft Brexit and more that we have painted so many red lines that we are left just one option short of WTO rules and the hardest Brexit of all.

But Evans-Pritchard thinks because the EU won't offer us something higher up the list of options we must therefore choose the worst possible outcome. As I have said before, this is simply senseless.

It's like going to a restaurant, finding you haven't enough money for the most expensive items and therefore ordering dry bread and water when you could afford to have a perfectly good omelette.