Monday 28 May 2018

PRITI PATEL - Accuses Electoral Commission of bias

Priti Patel, the disgraced former International Development Secretary, has accused the remain campaign of exceeding campaign spending limits - for the second time (HERE). The last complaint was dismissed by the Electoral Commission in December last year and will probably reject this one too. Ms Patel was sacked by Theresa May if you remember for having unauthorised meetings with the Israeli government (HERE).

She and the other Brexiteers need to be very careful. She is accusing the Electoral Commission of bias towards remain because four members of the commission have voiced opposition to Brexit in the past. Those Brexiteers who pretend themselves to be patriotic should be wary of attacking the institutions of the state. We have had judges being described as enemies of the people and the House of Lords attacked for daring to amend government legislation. Others seeking judicial review of the constitutional position surrounding the invoking of Article 50 were said to be saboteurs. The civil service is criticised for almost everything it does on Brexit. The Treasury and the Bank of England's forecasts are all wrong. Mark Carney the BoE governor is believed by Brexiteers to be a secret remainer, along with the prime minister herself.

It is a dangerous game to whip up anti-establishment feelings among the electorate. Once trust is lost, it is not easily restored and Brexit is going to be a huge test for the establishment anyway. Promises have been made and hopes raised which almost certainly can never be fulfilled. 

Political parties were not held in high regard before the referendum and many people think Brexit was the result of this disaffection. To learn that the Brexiteers were the biggest charlatans of them all will be devastating and we will need exceptional leaders over the coming years, leaders we clearly do not have at the moment.