Tuesday 29 May 2018


The Sun has a circulation of nearly 1.5 million and reaches about 3 million readers. It is also rabidly pro Brexit but has almost zero understanding of what Brexit actually means. This doesn't stop it publishing editorials - the Sun Says - and giving readers the benefit of its ignorance. Today, it calls (HERE) for the government to "guarantee" we will be ready to leave the EU without a deal. This is about as conceivable as Britain colonising Mars next Wednesday. It is IMPOSSIBLE to even attempt it let alone "guarantee" it. Putting the nation on a war footing might get us over the worst of it but the economy would tank and Brexit would be exposed for what it is, a disaster of epic proportions.

The Sun doesn't even understand the problems or implications of leaving without a deal. It ignores the customs and border checks altogether and instead thinks the government just needs to get some "regulators and standards bodies on standby". This might be possible in some cases but not the really essential ones. Take the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), of which our own Civil Aviation Authority is a member.

CAA Chief Executive Andrew Haines said in a speech in September (HERE) that the CAA was purposely not planning to take over the role of the EASA, “as it would be misleading to suggest that’s a viable option”.  Outside the EASA, UK airlines, flight crews, maintenance and manufacturing will not be able to operate and air travel will cease. Imagine it.  Sun readers are blissfully unaware of the issue.

Trevor Kavanagh (HERE) formerly political editor of The Sun, now just a columnist, also writes this rubbish in a recent column:

"Voters who hoped for clear and unequivocal freedom from EU laws and regulations are unlikely to stay silent for long. They expected Brexit ministers to carve out a prosperous and independent future.

Instead, they have watched defeated Remainers mount a ruthless and successful counter-attackFrom a position of strength as a major trading nation, Britain has surrendered on all fronts, caved in to Brussels bullies — and handed over a £39BILLION ransom for the privilege.

We are likely to remain bound by a version of the EU customs union, the single market and the European Court of Justice for years to come. Meanwhile, mass immigration runs out of control.  Perhaps to his own amazement, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has succeeded in his aim to make Britain worse off outside.

We will not be allowed to flourish as a free-trading sovereign state".

The truth is we need the customs union and the single market and membership of a huge number of EU agencies as witnessed by the UK government's position papers last year and the more recent technical papers. The EASA is just one. There are 40 crime fighting measures as well and plenty of others from Data protection to medicine.  Kavanagh talks of the £39 billion as if it's a lot of money and a "ransom". First of all, it's what we owe for past commitments, not future ones, and secondly it would be utterly dwarfed by the cost of leaving without a deal.

And it isn't remainers mounting a counter attack - it's reality.

Sooner or later, bit by bit, the population will surely begin to realise who the saboteurs and enemies of the people really are. We have been badly served by the pro-Brexit press. They have failed to educate themselves or their readers about the compromises and trade offs of Brexit and the weak position we're in. Instead, Mrs May is given the England football manager treatment. Lauded to the skies on appointment and trashed when they fail to deliver what was always impossible anyway.

Kavanagh is no Cassandra himself.  Last May (HERE), as she called a general election,  and predicting the death of the Labour party, he said this about the prime minister:

This time last year, Theresa May was barely rated as a potential PM. Today she is poised to become the most powerful leader in Europe, rivalling German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Now he thinks she's a dud and says, "The sad truth is that Mrs May is not up to the job as Prime Minister at a momentous point in our history". How times change.