Friday 8 June 2018


BoJo has been recorded privately talking to Conservative activists (HERE) and I always assume when these things happen we are hearing the unalloyed truth or something very close to it. When one looks back on some of the Foreign Secretaries we've had in the past, from Lord Carrington and Douglas Hird to Robin Cook or Margaret Beckett the comparison with the idiot BoJo is stark. He actually thinks it would be good if Donald Trump was in charge of the Brexit negotiations. It's not clear if this was a swipe at Theresa May or David Davis but I'm not sure it matters. 

With Trump in charge there would be "all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos" that is, I assume, as opposed to the smooth and orderly, well oiled machine we have at present of course.

Some of the things he says are so simplistic they would be laughable if they came from Michael MacIntyre but from one of the three most senior cabinet ministers they're shocking. The professional idiot masquerading as our Foreign Secretary apparently sees all and knows all:

"Johnson gave a scathing response to warnings of chaos because of delays at Britain’s borders, which have included a Treasury analysis saying that disruption at Dover could lead to shortages of food and medicines if the UK leaves without a deal.

There would be disruption, Johnson said. “Yeah, of course. There will be some bumps in the road.” 
But the warnings had been overblown.

The “prophecies of doom” about disruption of customs are “pure millennium bug stuff,” Johnson said, referring to the hysteria about Y2K at the turn of the millenium.

“All the planes crashing from the sky. It’s absolute nonsense.”

He is still pushing the Max Fac option and in a bizarre comparison said when he was mayor of London he "could tell where you all were just when you swiped your oyster card over a tube terminal, a tube gizmo. The idea that we can’t track movement of goods, it’s just nonsense.”

Crikey!  I think he's onto something - all you need to do is issue your goods with an oyster card and tell them to make their own way!!  What an incredible insight. Who would have ever thought of that?

And he also said:

“You’ve got to face the fact there may now be a meltdown. OK? I don’t want anybody to panic during the meltdown. No panic. Pro bono publico, no bloody panic. It’s going to be all right in the end.”

I wonder what the reaction would have been to his celebrated TV appearance during the referendum campaign had he finished his peroration with that statement? Note that we are not now going to "prosper like never before" but we will be "all right in the end". It lacks that inspiring sentiment somehow doesn't it?

I half expected Denis Norden to appear with that wry smile on his face. It's like being reassured by the purser on The Titanic, after striking the iceberg, that it will be all right in the end.