Nick Timothy, the egregious and disgraced former aide to Theresa May, sacked after writing last year's Conservative manifesto and a non entity if ever there was one, has written another bit of nonsense in The Telegraph summarised HERE at PoliticsHome. The message is for Mrs May to "toughen up" in the negotiations and comes after the dire predictions from Airbus and the car industry. He accuses the Chancellor of "blocking no deal planning".
"Pro-EU rebels want to prevent a 'no deal' outcome while forcing us into a customs union and, perhaps, the single market. They have allowed the Europeans to divide and rule us, and cherry pick what they want from the future relationship", he says.
Surely any sensible person should "want to prevent a no deal outcome" since that would be catastrophic or as the SMMT said this week, the "worst outcome imaginable". Yet Nick Timothy is critical of those working to prevent it. He's a bit like the louts who throw stones at fire fighters tackling a house fire and seemingly only to be satisfied by total separation from Brussels whatever the cost to ordinary people even if it means a scorched earth policy for North Wales, Sunderland and the West Midlands.
The Business Secretary also comes under attack for talking about "labour mobility" which Timothy thinks is code for freedom of movement. And as for the EU "cherry picking" - where has he been?
It has been reliably suggested that the decision at the epicentre of all of her difficulties, that is the one to leave both the single market and the customs union, was made by Timothy and May without any input from or consultation with cabinet members. Imagine being asked to make a decision that could reverberate down the generations affecting 65 million people immediately and millions more yet to be born - but not consulting or asking anyone else for their thoughts. This is the kind of thing dictators do, in the belief that they alone should determine the manifest destiny of an entire nations but it isn't what we expect in a modern western democracy in the 21st century.
Decisions made on the hoof, by prejudice and bigotry, and not supported by the evidence is almost bound to be wrong. The Brexit that May and Timothy dreamed up between them was misconceived from the beginning and it will one day have to be reversed, firstly to a softer version and finally back to full membership of the EU. I have no doubts.