Tuesday, 19 June 2018


Well, the 70th poll in the WhatUKthinks series was published yesterday (HERE) and shows WRONG ahead once again, this time with a healthy 3% lead. This is in answer to the question: Was the UK right or wrong to vote to leave the EU. It is the 20th poll this year and the 18th with WRONG in front.

So the figures are now:

Total No of polls since August 2016: 70

Polls with RIGHT IN THE LEAD: 28 - (22 in the first 27 polls)
Polls with WRONG IN THE LEAD: 33 - (26 in the last 28 polls)

Even: 9

Last time RIGHT was in the lead: 17th January 2018

Looked at annually:

2016 - (from August) 12 polls in total WRONG =1, RIGHT 11
2017 - 39 in total WRONG = 15, RIGHT = 17
2018 - (to date) 20 in total WRONG = 18, RIGHT = 1

So, we are now reaching the surreal position, if the polls are right, where a majority think the decision to quit the EU was wrong and a majority would now vote to remain (HERE) but where the government is still talking about carrying out the will of the people by taking us out of the EU.  It's all Kafkaesque isn't it?