Sunday 3 June 2018


Having noticed all the ridiculous stories in the Daily Express which tend to have a totally misleading headline as click bait for the unwary, I thought I might begin to post a few of these sort of stories on this blog to (a) save you the trouble of reading them and (b) show what the average leave voter is reading - perhaps as a way of understanding how the pro-Brexit press is keeping the polls from slumping against the folly of leaving the EU.

Here are the first few, from The Express and The Mail:

This story in The Daily Express (HERE) takes some understanding. In what is described as a "Brexit victory" it trumpets the fact that only 19% of the European Medicines Agency staff intend to move to Amsterdam. The poor old Express seems to think the LOSS of 900 highly skilled and well paid jobs is a "victory" because 81% of them will stay here and presumably try to find other jobs or become unemployed. The salaries will go to Amsterdam even if the people don't. This is a double tragedy. For the people involved and for the capital. But for the bizarre Express it's a victory for Brexit. What can you say? They won't be satisfied until everybody is out of work.

Another Express report (HERE) shouts out that the "EU MUST PAY: Countries count the costs of Brexit changes" but when you read the text it's about Holland employing between 750 and 930 new border staff. More than that, the Dutch say “If we need hundreds of new customs and agricultural inspectors, the British are going to need thousands.” So, it's not the Dutch who must pay the most, it's us!

Meanwhile The Daily Mail has it's own misleading head line (HERE) when it talks about "UK factories clock up their 22nd month of growth since the Brexit vote". The details reveal that we are still growing more slowly than the eurozone. More than that, other news outlets report the figures show the largest increase in unsold stock in the survey's 26 year history (HERE).