Tuesday 3 July 2018


May, speaking in the House of Commons, says she has warned the EU that parliament would reject the exit deal without clarity on the future relationship (HERE). I bet MPs could hear the laughter coming from Brussels. They have been asking and begging for clarity about what it is we actually want for at least a year and the Chequers meeting on Friday is a final desperate attempt to get a consensus in the cabinet for our negotiating objectives. Many commentators think we will just get more fudge.

"I warned EU leaders I do not think this parliament will approve the withdrawal agreement in the autumn unless we have clarity about future relationship alongside it," May told parliament.

She is effectively saying parliament could reject the deal unless we get what she doesn't know we are going to ask for yet - if that makes sense. Or even that parliament will vote against a deal unless the EU provides the clarity they themselves have been demanding from us for year. It's all Kafkaesque isn't it?

And it must have been galling to many parliamentarians to hear her suggest parliament will even get an opportunity to vote anyway, something she has steadfastly tried to block.