Tuesday 3 July 2018


I have mentioned before this mysterious character going by the handle JDD who regularly contributes to the EU Referendum blog and seems very well connected at the centre of power. He is probably either a senior civil servant or a consultant advising ministers and mandarins. He made a slightly cryptic contribution yesterday about the third option for the customs arrangement to avoid a hard border in Ireland. It is being claimed that even David Davis hasn't seen the details of this "third way" customs plan but the BBC were reporting last night the government thought it had come up with a solution. We shall see.

Meanwhile, our mysterious friend JDD comments like this:

"Just found out about the 'third way' to be presented Friday. Can't say anything.

"Does anybody remember field of dreams? Build it and they will come?


What does it mean? I have no idea but the last line says it all doesn't it?

JDD clearly is not impressed and I assume this means another unworkable, impractical, expensive, bureaucratic scheme to replace something we have now that works very smoothly and efficiently. It will almost certainly be rejected by the EU27. What a mess. It reminds me of the square steering wheel on the Austin Allegro. That also replaced something that always seemed to work fine - a circular wheel! Now we intend to resurrect  it and fit it to the road wheels! 

Brexit - Insane, expensive, useless. But it's what the people want.