Friday 6 July 2018


George Eustice (HERE) the Farming Minister, with an absolutely stunning lack of self-awareness, says, "...asking us to change our rules and regulations, that’s a bit of a no-go area as far as I’m concerned. We haven’t just left the European Union just to be told what to do by other countries".  He was speaking in the last few days, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Prime Minister has spent the last year asking the EU27 to change their rules and regulations to accommodate us.

We are asking for special treatment on just about everything involving third country status, the most recent on the Gallileo satellite project where as an EU member we agreed that third countries should not have access to the most accurate and secure parts of the system. We then vote to become a third country but want the same access that we were supposed to have as a member. 

When we ask about rule changes to benefit us, the EU say, "that's a bit of a no-go area for us" - or words to that effect - and up goes the cry of the EU being intransigent, inflexible and out to punish us.

This is how you become after a lifetime of stupidity and carefully avoiding any kind of introspection, self examination or even basic objectivity. Or perhaps you went to Eton where exceptionalism is beaten into you. We can't change our rules, of course not. What a preposterous idea. You must change yours. We're British, how dare you?

Incidentally, if you read the article his words came in response to questions about the US forcing us to accept chlorine washed chicken or hormone fed beef as a quid pro quo for any trade deal. He says, “Our stance as a country should be that we have values and standards that we will not abandon".

Look out for chlorine washed chicken and hormone fed beef coming to a supermarket near you very soon as other countries like the USA and China and, irony of ironies, India "tell us what to do".

Mr Eustice, you won the vote, you're a third country exactly as you wanted, now get over it. This is how medium sized countries are treated by bigger ones, especially those that are absolutely desperate for a trade deal. They can see you coming a mile away and they're ready - to take you to the cleaners.