Wednesday 4 July 2018


The BBC and The Guardian (HERE) are both reporting that the Electoral Commission will find the official Vote Leave campaign guilty of breaching electoral law. Oddly the news was actually broken by Matthew Elliot, the Vote Leave chairman, himself and before the EC has announced anything. Elliot is denying the campaign did anything wrong and they have submitted a 500 page rebuttal - he is always good at this stuff having produced a 1000 page tome in 2015 on his plans for Brexit.

However, from what is in the public domain I don't believe they have a leg to stand on.

We know the official campaign lied, we now know they broke spending rules with the £700K donation to what was supposed to be a separate organisation called BeLeave. It clearly was not independent since they worked in the same office and used the same computer databases, telephones and digital campaign company Aggregate IQ.

The unofficial campaign, Leave.EU with Aaron Banks and Nigel Farage is also under investigation for it's links to Russia, source of funding and possibly illegal use of data.

Business is lining up to condemn the government's handling of Brexit with many now moving staff and operations to the continent or Ireland. The cabinet cannot reach an agreement among itself and the Conservative party is about to be torn apart over the EU.

Against this background there are signs the polls are beginning to shift very slightly with another YouGov poll published yesterday showing a majority think the vote to leave the EU was the wrong decision. This is 23polls this year with 21 having a majority for thinking it was all a mistake.

For remainers it couldn't be going better. I've got a spring in my step today.