Reuters are running an item (HERE) setting out various scenarios for the way Brexit will play out. It's a reasonable stab, looking over what seem like plausible options although none have happy endings, except the last one, Brexit being reversed. It contains an arrogant quote from Dominic Cummings, the campaign director of Vote Leave.
He warns opponents of Brexit to be careful what they wish for, saying a second referendum would result in another vote to leave and could wreck both the main parties.
“The Tories will be destroyed and maybe Labour too,” he wrote, according to Reuters although I can't find the quote elsewhere. I assume it's right because it is exactly the kind of thing he would say. We can have what some Brexiteers have called the "biggest exercise of democracy in modern British history, as over 33 million people from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar all had their say" (HERE) but Cummings' attitude seems to be that democracy is so precious it has to be used very sparingly, so sparingly that having had one vote another one could wreck both main political parties.
No matter that the vote was based on a lot of misrepresentation and lies, or that the winning side has been found to have breached electoral law and is still being investigated by the police and others. Or that now the smoke of battle has cleared, the "vision" set out by Brexiteers has disappeared to be replaced by food and medicine shortages and warnings of an impending economic disaster.
Notwithstanding all of that there cannot be another vote.
You were well and truly conned and you must stay well and truly conned seems to be the message from Dominic Cummings. If allowed to stand, what message will be sent to future politicians or organisers of referenda (assuming we ever have others)? You can lie as much as you like, no one will hold you to account and if you get the result, that's all you need to do. Forget about honesty, integrity, being straight with voters nothing is beyond your imagination and everything is permitted?