Monday 27 August 2018


Jonathan Isaby edits the Brexit Central website and is usually very keen to put out links to himself appearing on television programs spouting nonsense about Brexit. But I don't see any links to this interview HERE on a BBR Radio Kent phone-in program. Isaby finally came up against someone who could challenge the rubbish he talks on Brexit from a position of real knowledge. He sounded shell-shocked.

The man who humiliated Isaby was Jason Hunter.

Some of the comments below the YouTube video are interesting:

Isaby comes across as a standard Brexiter - an uninformed fantasist. And that's just the polite interpretation

To say that Jason wiped the floor with this joker is grossly understating it!

The stunned silence from Jonathan Isaby at the end there speaks volumes.

This is the first argument I have heard in a long time where Brexiters didn’t hijack the conversation. They always try interrupting talking nonsense. This guy just made a statement to all Brexiters your shenanigans are over. He literally destroyed his ass.

This is recommended listening for all remainers.