Thursday 23 August 2018

POLLING - Scotland and the North East turn against Brexit

Polling by YouGov (HERE) for The People's Vote in Scotland shows 66% of Scots now want to remain  in the EU, against 34% who still want to leave. This is close to 2:1. Among 18-24 year olds support for remaining hits 84% and there is a majority even in the 65+ age group. And contrary to what The Sun on Sunday claimed last week it is clear while 8% of remainers have changed their mind since 2016, even more (14%) of leavers have switched.

YouGov have also carried out polling in the North East for The People's vote with some even more surprising results. In 2016 the region voted by a margin of 16% to leave the EU. Now it's neck and neck. The most startling difference is in the under 40s who would now vote 61% -39% to remain. A year ago it was 52% - 48%.

And when asked if they would prioritise immigration control over trade (HERE) this is the result:

"If forced to choose between free trade with Europe or controlling immigration, Labour voters back free trade over controlling immigration by a margin of more than four-to-one (63% to 15%). Voters across the region as a whole say it is more important for the UK to trade freely with the EU than to have control over immigration by 47% to 31%."

Are voters starting to see through the lies?