Thursday 23 August 2018


To buttress the polls we saw we saw earlier today, the 81st poll in the WhatUKthinks series was published yesterday showing a slightly reduced but still clear 2% lead for WRONG at 45% - 43% so still good news although stubbornly stuck at around this level.  See the actual graph and table HERE.  This is in response to the question: In hindsight was the UK right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?

In the 12 months there have been 41 polls in total with WRONG ahead in 38 of them and two level. RIGHT was in front by 1% just once eight months ago.

The latest figures are:

Total No of polls since August 2016: 81

Polls with RIGHT IN THE LEAD: 28 - (22 in the first 27 polls)
Polls with WRONG IN THE LEAD: 44 - (38 in the last 42 polls)

Even: 9

Last time RIGHT was in the lead: 17th January 2018

Looked at annually:

2016 - (from August) 12 polls in total WRONG =1, RIGHT 11
2017 - 39 in total WRONG = 15, RIGHT = 17
2018 - (to date) 30 in total WRONG = 28, RIGHT = 1