Monday 15 October 2018


Daniel Hannan is warning that a Corbyn government could turn the UK into Venezuela (HERE) - I think he's worried that Labour might steal a march and turn us into a basket case before the Conservatives. During and after the referendum when any sane voice raised risks around Brexit we were told it was scaremongering or project fear. But now Hannan, the half wit's Brexiteer, is surely indulging in exactly the same thing although he isn't sufficiently self aware to notice.

Corbyn has some radical ideas that probably won't work but really, does anybody think we could ever become like Venezuela? Only Daily Express readers could believe that sort of stuff.

Hannan is a busy man because he also has a column in The Telegraph (HERE). Brexit has been a nice little earner for him, what with TV appearances and all this writing. OK, I know it has the unfortunate side effect of impoverishing an entire nation and plunging it into decades long chaos, but what's that compared to the Hannan household finances?

In the Telegraph he says Mrs May's Chequers plan would be "the worst of all worlds":

"We are heading for the worst possible outcome on Brexit – an outcome more painful and humiliating than either staying or leaving. Under the proposed withdrawal terms, the United Kingdom would remain in the EU’s customs union. The arrangement would supposedly be temporary, but both sides privately recognise that it is so favourable to the EU, and so injurious to Britain, that Brussels would promptly lose any interest in further discussions".

Wait a minute, I don't remember Hannan or any of the intellectual gurus behind Brexit warning of these sorts of problems. It's like going into hospital for a routine ingrowing toenail operation and being told just as you're getting the anaesthetic that there's a risk you'll lose your sight and never walk again. The "worst of all worlds"?  Crikey, was this in the small print under the filler cap of the big red bus along with the tyre pressures? What an idiot I was not to read it.

Are we talking about worse than North Korea or worse than the Caliphate under ISIL?  Really? That's not scaremongering then?