Saturday 13 October 2018


The 91st poll since August 2016 in the WhatUKthinks series has been published - see HERE. It shows a 7% lead for WRONG (8% if don't knows are removed) in response to the question: In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?  In 2018 there has now been 40 polls in total with WRONG ahead in 38 of them. One was even and RIGHT was in front by just 1% on one occasion ten months ago.

RIGHT led in 22 out of the first 27 polls, but WRONG has now been in front in 48 of the last 53 polls.

Note the number of people who still think Brexit was RIGHT has once again slipped to 40%. I am convinced we will see this at 39% or less before Xmas, as the chaos increases in the UK political firmament and a constitutional crisis looms.

If we do start to regularly hit these numbers the government will be unable to resist the calls for a second vote. But this alone won't solve the problem. Even if remain wins, and there can be no guarantee that we would, the divisions won't go away.

The country desperately needs serious, plausible pro-EU leaders to make the positive case for remaining in the EU.