Monday 19 November 2018


Peter Bone, part time moron and MP, is not a happy Brexiteer. When the leave side won he was jubilant, although like most leavers he had no idea what he was letting us all in for, having never given it more than a minute's thought in his entire life.  So, in the beginning he was very happy - but it's been downhill all the way since.

In August 2016 he had come down from the high of June and was described as relaxed when it seemed there might be a delay in submitting the Article 50 notification. He said:

I have absolute confidence in the Prime Minister, David Davis and [International Trade Secretary] Liam Fox that they will deliver Brexit, they will deliver it properly and they will deliver it on time.” (HERE)

Since then he has undergone, along with other Brexiteers, what is I known I believe, as the boiling frog treatment. A regular at PMQs, his usual spot is on the benches behind the PM and close to the speaker where he can catch his eye and ask a question, usually about Brexit and always stupid. Even as the temperature rose, he used to ask supportive questions and gave the PM his backing. Then just before the actual Withdrawal Agreement was published, he leapt out of the pan, so to speak.

At PMQs (HERE - column 308) he said: 

Is the Prime Minister aware that if the media reports about the EU agreement are in any way accurate, you are not delivering the Brexit people voted for and that today you will lose the support of many Conservative MPs and millions of voters across the country? 

His "absolute confidence" had apparently been taken outside and shaken vigorously. When the actual document itself was finally available and in a state of high dudgeon, he immediately submitted a letter of no confidence (HERE).

Bone, who always looks like he dressed at gunpoint in someone else's clothes, was famous during Cameron's premiership for weaving humorous references to his wife into questions in The House but by January this year (HERE) the 66 year old accountant had left her for what The Sun describes as a married physiotherapist 20 years his junior. Perhaps he had a bad back and wanted to avoid treatment fees, you know what accountants are like.

There's no fool like an old fool, eh?