David Jones, a former minister at DEXEU, until he was sacked in June 2017, is a hard Brexiteer and another one who thinks that the EU's accounts haven't been signed off (HERE). I wrote a post recently about a complete non-entity on Brexit Central making the same claim (HERE) but to find a former minister saying it and a national newspaper printing it (it was the Daily Express mind you) should be shocking but it isn't, is it?
“Their accounts [the EU] have never been signed off for the last goodness knows how many years. If that were to happen to a British company there would be an outcry.
“But, of course, it happens there.”
As I wrote previously, you only need to spend a few minutes on the European Court of Auditors website to download the 2016 audit in brief (but still 50 pages long - HERE) and read page 08 to see that Smith is not telling the truth:
"We were therefore able to give a clean opinion on the reliability of (i.e. ‘sign off’) the accounts, as we have done every year since 2007".
I think it was Churchill who said in wartime a lie can be halfway round the world before truth has got it's boots on. We are in peacetime now but in an era when the truth doesn't even have any boots to put on. The lie about the EU accounts has now reached the edge of the solar system and it's hard to know how the truth is ever going to catch up.
I don't know what it is about the unfortunate David Jones but he seems to be a serial sackee. David Cameron fired him in 2014 when Jones was Secretary of State for Wales (It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world ... but for Wales?).
Jones is not what you might call popular. At least with this blogger HERE who alleges all sorts of things about him which I won't repeat in case they're libellous.