Thursday, 1 November 2018


What a frabjous day! Aaron Banks has been referred to the National Crime Agency by the Electoral Commission (HERE) for what is being described as "criminal offences" relating to money to fund the Leave.EU campaign. It couldn't happen to a nicer person. The commission's legal chief, Bob Posner, said: 

"We have reasonable grounds to suspect money given to Better for the Country came from impermissible sources and that Mr Banks and Ms Bilney, the responsible person for Leave.EU, knowingly concealed the true circumstances under which this money was provided.

"This is significant because at least £2.9m of this money was used to fund referendum spending and donations during the regulated period of the EU referendum.

"Our investigation has unveiled evidence that suggests criminal offences have been committed which fall beyond the remit of the commission.

"This is why we have handed our evidence to the NCA to allow them to investigate and take any appropriate law enforcement action. This is now a criminal investigation."

Even the Daily Express reported it straight (HERE) without putting their usual pro-Brexit spin on it, presumably in case he is charged and found guilty in the future. 

Credit must be given to Carole Cadwalladr at The Guardian for plugging away on this one for months and months. Finally, the authorities are beginning to take notice. I first blogged about this in November 2017 (HERE) and again in July this year (HERE). Let's all hope it results in a prosecution and possibly a decision to re-run the referendum.

If it turns out Russian money was involved the consequences could be immense.