Thursday 27 December 2018


The festivities are on hold temporarily, along witth the Brexit saga itself. On Christmas Eve The Daily Mail reported that the PM was now 'confident' of getting her deal through the House, if not at the first vote, then on a second or subsequent one (HERE). I think this is more whistling in the dark to keep her spirits up. Or a papering over the cracks with a bit of festive wrapping to allow the dysfunctional Tory party to make it to the New Year.

What seemed to be absent was the slightest hint of a reason why Mrs May's confidence has increased since she pulled the meaningful vote a few weeks ago. To use one of her own well known phrases - nothing has changed. Except her misplaced and new-found confidence.

Quoting from an article the PM wrote for The Express, The Mail says:

"In her letter, Mrs May likens the country to a family coming together at Christmas, saying: 'It's a time when we find it within ourselves to put aside our differences and focus on what really matters.

"Now, two-and-a-half years after the referendum, it is time for us as a country to do the same."

It also talks of getting Jacob Rees-Mogg, and I assume the rest of the ERG, on board as still a 'work in progress,' according to the Sun.  If the Right Honourable member for the eighteenth century ever gets on board it will be the greatest U turn in political history so I wouldn't count on this happening any time soon.

As far as I can see, the EU has given no extra reassurances yet and even if they are forthcoming very early in January, I cannot see all those 100 or so Conservative MPs who voted against her in the confidence motion suddenly changing their minds.

I am absolutely confident the deal will not get parliamentary approval. We are still firmly in no deal or no Brexit territory.