Sunday 6 January 2019


David Davis has taken to writing letters to The Telegraph. What a come down for a former cabinet minister and what a comparison to BoJo, paid £275,000 a year to write nonsense for the same newspaper. How the mighty are fallen, eh? Not only does Davis not receive any recompense for his nonsense, he chooses a topic which he will almost certainly regret later this year.

I reproduce his letter below which appeared yesterday. He writes to defend the ludicrous decision by Chris Grayling to award a £14 million contract to Seaborne Freight for providing a ferry service between Ostend and Ramsgate.

This is a company without a ferry and without a track record of running ferry services.

He says if the Transport department publishes plans for a worst case scenario it is said to be a demonstration of how difficult Brexit is and if it doesn't publish a plan it's accused of complacency. This is hardly a defence.

But he seems to miss the point. The problem is not that the company has no ferries, it could lease one or two although there are experts who say there are no suitable ferries for lease anywhere in the world that can navigate Ramsgate harbour with or without the dredging that is being done by a Dutch company at the moment.

And the problem isn't that Seaborne Freight have never run any ferry services either. If you owned a ferry you could presumably learn quickly.

The problem is that they have no ferries AND they have no track record. I am particularly grieved that I wasn't offered the contract since I fulfill both criteria admirably, having neither ferries or experience. In fact, most of the population of the UK could have bid for it.

If it looks like a disaster and sounds like a disaster it almost certainly is a disaster, so why Davis chose to write something that we can all hold against him later and see what a fool he is, I do not know. He says he is confident the Channel ports will continue 'operating freely'. We shall see what happens

Let's not forget he's the man who told us in July 2016 (HERE) we would see "some of the economic benefits of Brexit will materialise even before the probable formal departure from the EU around December 2018"

Anybody notice it? No? I thought not. You would think he would have learned his lesson that his forecasting skills are not that good but no, the old food keeps on proving he's just an old fool.