Monday 7 January 2019


Lord Green of Migration Watch has been casting his eye over the immigration white paper which was sneaked out just before Christmas on 19th December and I think it's fair to say he is another very unhappy bunny. Writing on the Conservative Home website HERE he says at 160 pages the white paper is a strong contender for being described as the longest suicide note in history [for the Tory party].

Lord Green, formerly Sir Andrew Green, has always had a bee in his bonnet about immigration. He founded Migration Watch in 2001 and has spoken and written extensively about immigration ever since. Indeed, I don't think he has ever written about anything else. However, their Wikipedia page (HERE) is not always complementary:

"Migration Watch UK are not an independent think tank, or academic body, but a lobbying and campaigning organisation that is currently engaged in a campaign entitled 'No to 70 Million'".

"Journalist Deborah Orr has argued that "the great trouble with this constant flood of highly contentious figures, is that it does not do what Sir Andrew says he wants to do — promote debate. Instead, Migration Watch UK, despite its lofty claims, is working to further polarise it".

"Migration Watch is, of course, no think tank, but a pressure group with a distinctly unpleasant agenda" .  — Editorial, The Independent.

However, whatever Migration Watch is, the opinion of Lord Green will be taken seriously when it comes to immigration. I don't see the media have yet picked up on what he has said but no doubt in time we will see wider coverage. This is his opinion on one of the most contentious areas for the government post Brexit (assuming it happens) and it should worry ministers:

"Unfortunately, the immigration White Paper, slipped out just before Christmas, is not just a set-back for immigration control, it is a disaster. Indeed it will, in future, be seen to have been extremely damaging for public faith in the political system trust in politicians and the Conservative Party especially.

"Why? Because, despite all their promises over eight years – not just promises but manifesto commitments – the Conservatives have given up any serious attempt to reduce immigration. If the proposals in The White Paper are implemented, immigration will be far more likely to increase still further and could well spin out of control".

Let me be honest, I don't think of myself as racist in any way but there was a time when listening to Andrew Green, I too thought immigration was getting a bit high and no doubt there are areas in this country where immigration has put pressure on local services. However, I realise now the figures are not that reliable, including short stay students, and the pressures are more often a result of a lack of investment. In any case we need immigration for a growing economy and our ageing population.

There is no doubt in my own mind that the referendum was won partly on the question of immigration. A significant minority just want to see immigration drastically reduced. The PM herself has contributed to the whole anti-immigrant climate by her time at the Home Office when she pandered to a certain section of the population.  Green says:

"The White Paper contains a great deal of talk about the “control” of immigration, but the reality is that new routes will be opened, some temporary – but the Government’s record in removing overstayers is lamentable".

The immigration White Paper has been much delayed and argued over. Ministers have struggled to articulate the new immigration policy. Phrases like the 'mobility framework' are used but you never see words like 'reduce' or 'limit' or 'cut' and now we can see why.  Lord Green doesn't think there will be lower immigration at all and says the policy proposals are likely to increase the numbers. Imagine that.

It is just as I have always thought, when Brexit is done nobody will be happy.