Tuesday 1 January 2019


Tim Martin, the founder and CEO of Wetherspoons must surely be one of the stupidest men in England. He recently wrote to all 653 MPs setting out what was wrong with the EU's customs union. But who else would send a letter to all our lawmakers containing checkable claims about trade and the customs union which were wrong? Worse than that, he said it was some of the MPs who "don't understand the mechanics of the customs union".  However, it turns out that he is the one who doesn't understand.

He's worth about £250 million and could easily pay for someone to fact check his claims but he is so convinced he knows all this stuff he didn't bother.  But someone else did.

Jim Cornelius (HERE) replied with an open letter to the same MPs setting out the errors in Martin's earlier missive with hyperlinks to the actual details so everyone can see how wrong his claims are. A pdf of Cornelius' letter is HERE.

I see Tim Martin on TV regularly and he usually appears as dim as a Toc H lamp and half cut to boot.

He is like the men you meet in the local pub who have never read or understood any of the actual details and rely on journalists at The Daily Mail or The Express, who also don't read the details, for their information. It is the blind being led by the partially sighted who are in turn led by the chronically myopic.

When I see and hear these sort of things from leading Brexiteers I know we cannot lose. It is just a matter of time. 

One day all of the lies, half-truths and misinformation pedalled by fools like Tim Martin will eventually be exposed for what they are. Then Brexit really will be a footnote in history.