Monday 7 February 2022

A conman is needed to sell a con

If you do nothing else today, do read this piece by Nesrine Malik in The Guardian:This government has been built on a fantasy. Restoring reality will cost the Tories dear. It’s about the fantasy world created and inhabited by the Conservative party. She doesn’t spell it out explicitly, but I think it’s clear enough that it began with Brexit, when an idea was sold to a gullible populace that could only work in a fantasy future that could never exist.  Brexit is a test bed which will, sooner or later, show its utter failure.

This is Malik:

"Johnson’s appointment as party leader was a victory for a 2016 vintage of politics that combined aggression and relentless dissimulation. And it has worked. With Johnson as its battering ram, the government has managed to make it through the highest Covid death toll in Europe, several corruption scandals and a barely scrutinised Brexit deal. To achieve this sort of licence, all the chips were put on one man with one style of leadership. But what happens when that style, that man, becomes the liability?"

She explains how difficult it is going to be for the party to do a U turn. To back pedal, to return to honesty and truth or as I believe, reverse Brexit as it must one day. The whole project is now so deeply embedded in Tory philosophy and thinking that it’s reversal is all but impossible without splitting the party.

Her key phrase is this:

"If your product is a con, you need a conman."

How true is that? Brexit was the con that needed Johnson to get it "done".

Unfortunately for them, politicians in our first past the post voting system seem to think they will be in power permanently and make policy on that basis, they think they are building a new Jerusalem when in fact they’re using leggo.

The next administration simply breaks it all up and starts again, also in the belief that the new structures will be set in stone and long lasting. 

One day a Labour or perhaps a coalition government will be elected. Reversing Brexit must be a possibility, regardless of what is said beforehand. Even if this is just a re-joining of the single market and customs Union. When (I do not say if) this happens, the consequences of Brexit that we see around us at present, will be reversed and more importantly, will be seen to have advantages.

Exports will rise, travel will be easier, food will become cheaper and more plentiful. The industries negatively impacted by Brexit will see a boost and so on.

This will be surely be obvious to the population or at least a majority of them. What happens then? 

Does the Conservative party admit their entire party philosophy was not only wrong, but a disaster?  It would be like the communists trying to get back into power in East Germany.

I don’t believe the Tories have ever thought Brexit through.