Some time ago I posted an item about a lawyer's argument that there was no legal basis for assuming that Article 50 had been properly invoked, that parliament has never taken a decision to leave the EU (HERE). At the time the legal argument looked sound (but then to me a lot of things do!) but I believed it would take a court case to decide it.
Well there is now a group with a Facebook page (HERE) called the Wolchover Action Page after the lawyer whose argument sparked it all off. The group is closed but has 259 members at the moment. They have published a document (HERE), a call to action, urging people to begin a campaign of writing to the police and complaining that the invoking of Article 50 was a crime (as Mr Wolchover alleges). Readers are also urged to advise the press and their MP of the action they have taken.
No doubt there are people out there who feel strongly enough to do what the group urges, but it does beg the question why 259 people are encouraging others to do something they could easily do themselves - or perhaps they already have? I assume this could create another legal headache for Mrs May and her government,