Thursday, 16 August 2018


Someone posted a link to a graphic from The Economist that was published the day before the referendum. You can see it below - I hope The Economist won't mind!  It concerns the lies that appeared in the British press about the EU over twenty five years or more. The data comes from the Euro Myth website (link on the RH side bar and HERE).

No one familiar with the massive snowball of lies and misinformation that BoJo started in the late 1980s will be unfamiliar with many of the lurid stories that appeared in the British media, even after BoJo stopped doing it, others piled in and continued rolling it down the mountain.

The great majority are totally fabricated, some have a grain of truth out of which came a sensational lie. They are obviously not true since some of them go back to 1992, like this one HERE claiming that soft cheeses were going to be outlawed. Anybody going round the average supermarket 26 years later, can see this is just not true. Or that wooden stirrers for Xmas puddings were to be banned (HERE). In fact it's laughable. But it was believed at the time.

I assumed The Daily Mail would be at the forefront (and it is) but The Economist produced a list of the 400 or so myths and checked which newspapers they appeared in. The result is below. 

You can see the original article HERE.

But look where The Times is!  It published more misleading stories than The Sun! What chance did we stand when what is regarded as the premier newspaper was publishing fake news about the EU, before fake news was even a phrase, at a rate greater the The Sun and not far behind The Express. Even the BBC was guilty!

People were fed anti-EU stories, almost in a subliminal way, for thirty years or more. It must have had an impact. The Euro myth website is only published in English, no other European country is so badly served by its media or has so many stupid, gullible people to need such a resource. It was last updated today. Imagine that.